Is that Bunny Makalee
Didn’t she get hurt kneeling on her knees
Climbing up that work tree
Trying to get rich and freed?
Yah Yah I think that is her
I recognize that fur
That matching purse
She wore it to that funeral
With the colorful hearse.
Hi Bunny how have you been
Haven’t seen you forever friend
What kind of shape is your knee in?
What’s that? You had a win?
Won the lottery spin?
Married a zillionaire?
This is starting to seem unfair
Does he act like a brutish bear?
Does he make you scratch and tear?
What?! He is honest and fair?
Hey we’re getting outta here
I can’t listen to that dream
Being treated like a queen
No one lives that scene
That scene’s only in your dream.
Ha Ha Ha I knew it!
Had me going with that bit!
No No it’s fine I can handle it
But really glad you ended that shit.
We were ready to go away
See you never after today
Cause zillionaires never play
With people who work all day.
As long as you’re still one of us
What? What about that lottery stuff?
That wasn’t part of the joking bluff?
Wow do you think there’s enough
To give some of it to us?
Hey we were on your side
When you climbed outside
Trying to make it the other side
She even cried.
Yah it’s true
I cried and supported you
When you did what we should do
To break free from work servitude.
Both of us felt blue
When we thought you got screwed
No No it wasn’t us laughing at you.
Anyway just thought we’d try
Since now you have a very rich life
While our life is filled with financial strife
We didn’t think it would cut like a knife.
Everyone always begs you for money?
What did you think it would be like honey?
Not everyone’s day is quite so sunny
The rest of all of us find your attitude funny!
You have to give give give
When you have plenty to give
Allow the rest of us to live.
It’s not your prerogative
“Cause if you refuse
It’s us you’ll loose
And it won’t be cool
Sitting alone like a fool.
What’s that? You have new friends?
Joined a club of people with lottery wins?
Don’t care about what shape we’re in?
Living the good life end to end?
Hey, that’s all we have to say
So guess we won’t see you after today
Whatever we don’t really care
And by the way what’s with your hair?
Man, what’s up with her?
Didn’t her daddy teach her to share?
And what was with that stupid hair?
She needs lots of Nair
Hey let’s just shut up and get outta here
On our way back let’s stop for beer.