Geeks rule the world

You don’t think that’s true

Look around you fool

At every corporate tool

And every politician fool

Do you think they’re cool?

No no no that isn’t the case

Look at the cool people

All over the place

Geeks don’t run this space.

Cool people are the entire percent

Of everyone whose life is spent

Living it large in a movie tent

Geeks don’t even make a dent

In that tent.

What? Those Geeks pay the salary

Of all those reel worthy kings and queens

Always the ones behind every scene

Making money that is truly obscene.

Ok that’s it I give in

Seems it’s true just can’t win

Geeks rule the world what a sin

What kind of world are we living in?

Ha! Thought you’d see

How better it is to be a Geek

If you’re a Geek you get to speak

Have a better work week

Chance to rule not be meek.

But I don’t want to live like a tool

Become a politician fool

Run the corporate world

So I’ll just stay cool.

Don’t be ridiculous that’s not the way

Can be yourself on almost every day

Except when intercepting power and pay

Then for a moment turn away

And play it the Geek way.

Once you get your power and pay

Hey turn it the other way

Play it cool every hour of every day

Then there’s nothing they can say

To turn you away.

That was my way

And look at where I am today

A cool operative I played it there way

And now I get Geeks power and play

And now live 100% the cool way

Every hour of every day.

If more cool people did that

Just think where we’d be at

Better world for dogs and cats

Better place then where we’re at.

Screw it let’s go back in

Are you going to finish that cig?

Did you hear if Tommy’s driving the rig?

Oh Crap! There’s Mr. Big!

Hurry hide that cig!