Watch yourself watch your back
Stay away from Josey Stack
She always carries a pound of dynamite in her sack
And looks for people to blow up because she smokes a ton of crack.

She travels through the streets
Looking for people to meet
Who will give her something to eat
Then blows them up just because she thinks its neat.

Bodies fly everywhere
But Josie never cares
She just laughs and fixes her dirty hair
And walks away while body parts fly around her in the air.

When Josie Stack's day of bombings is done
She goes under the freeway to sleep with other bums
And waits each night for the police to come
But the police never come and Josie thinks its because they're dumb.

The bums Josie spends the night with under the freeway
See Josie coming and try to run away
Because they know she blows people up all day
And not even bums want to stay
With someone who blows up people everyday.

Eventually Josie blew so many people up on one day
People couldn't walk down the street because body parts were all over the place
And the clean up crew couldn't keep up the pace
Because the smell was so bad they had to use one hand to cover their face.

Josie realized that it wasn't as much fun as before
To blow up people and have their body parts all over the floor
So she stole a ton of dynamite from the store
And decided to do more.

Josie Stack climbed the highest flag pole next to city hall
And started screaming for the news reporters to call
When no one came Josie Stack began to ball
And decided the best thing to do was to end it all.

So she lit the ton of dynamite in her sack
Which represented her final attack
On everyone who didn't watch their back
After she started smoking crack.

Body parts flew everywhere for the last time ever
And Josie Stacks body parts were also severed
And that was the end of Josie Stack
Who went crazy after smoking a ton of crack.