Burka burka everywhere
Hide away so no guy cares
Hide away so no guy stares
Worry to be ruled by beautiful hair.
Those burka dudes are super weak
Give me a break what a bunch of geeks
Dressing their women in public like freaks
Just because they’re all so weak.
Some ruler decided long ago
That these dudes are their own foe
When they look at beautiful women so
He decreed women to wear burkas forever more.
It’s not about pleasing God
That’s just a façade
To keep women dressed like retards.
It’s really about being weak in the knees
Fear of being ruled by women when they can see
Beautiful women all around a vision of jubilee
Hypnotizes all those dudes to the Zillionth degree.
Those dudes just need to be stronger men
Not look at women and think of sin
Free their women to be free like men
And watch the world have more beauty then
That burka world that they’re living in.
God made women too you know
And he didn’t make all women hos
He made all women beautiful so
Life in the world would be more beautiful.
A gift to all dudes everywhere
Get hypnotized over beautiful hair
Feel good and right when they stare
At beautiful women with their beautiful hair.
So get it right you bunch of goons
Stop living life like a crazy cartoon
Acting like a bunch of weak bafoons
Those burkas are real loony tunes.
Stop being so weak in the knees
Be strong and let your women please
Your sights and senses joyfully
That’s the good life lived beautifully
And God made women so you could see
Life more beautiful to the Zillionth degree.