Pay Pay Pay Vote It Away!

Pay pay pay that’s all I do

When will that ever be through

King’s hand in my pocket

Taking a piece of all the work I do.

Patriot fathers would turn quite blue

If they knew what we had to do

Pay, pay pay to the upper class crew

Call for revolution that’s what they’d do.

You don’t believe it’s true?

That’s what they fought and died to do

Bags of tea started the coo

Over a 5% tea tax rule

Only 5% wouldn’t that be cool

They said no way and fought king fool.

Our forefathers lived and died not to pay

Made it the new American way

Ended the kingly way

Of make um all pay

Supposed to stay that way

To the end of days

But upper class dukes took it away.

Taught the new future a certain way

Make us believe we all have to pay

Less focus on the incident in the bay

Changed the minds of the American way

To believing you have to pay pay pay

To live the American way

Forefathers tumbling in their graves.


Now people even get jailed it’s true

For not paying up like their ordered to do

Fear and loathing we all feel screwed

What would the forefathers do?

They’d start a revolution it’s true

No need for a violent bloody coo

Vote out all politicians and start anew

Put an end to paying the kingly crew

Like we have the right to do

The Constitution says it’s true.

Just go vote and tell the crew

That we want taxes ended it’s true

And stop making dead patriots so blue

Because that is what we have the right to

The Constitution says it absolutely true.

Doesn’t matter what they’ve said

The constitution isn’t dead

Pound it into their political head

Taxes can end as an annual dread.

If we all took the same advice

We could end the vice

Of richly crews not being nice

Return us all to the American way of life.

Don’t think it can be realized?

People get together and unify

Power like that can’t be denied

And it’s definitely worth the try.

Until the return to the American way

It’s going to stay pay pay pay

Let’s get together and change the day

To bring an end to pay pay pay

That’s just not the American way

What do you say?