Stupendous fabulous Fridays

Last day of working like a slave

Made it through the week HOORAY!

Now there’s two glorious sunny days

To have fun and play all day

Wash that work week all away.

Didn’t think I could play it through

A week so seriously brutal and cruel

Everyone acting like a fool

Made me feel like a tool

For pretending it was cool.

Moments of insanity bloomed

Thoughts to sprint nude

Yelling and screaming “BALOO!”

Felt at moments like the right thing to do

Luckily I thought twice PHEW!

HURRAH for the weekend!

Bring me back to me again

Letting the good life soak in

Justifying the means to the end.

Life feels fabulous and good again

Not like a punishment for a serious sin

Going to live it up and drink some gin

And spend two days loving life again.