My Own Criminal Rat Chapter 5

“Johnny how are things going?” his father’s voice rang loud in Johnny’s ears while he attempted to regain his senses after reading the damning critical review of his album “My Universe”.  He felt like he was spinning downward into a drain and his thoughts went blank on what to say next to his father. “Johnny are you there?!  What has happened?” Johnny sat down on the bed again and uttered out a weak “things are fine father”.   Johnny sat still as his father told him that he wanted concrete proof that his album had a positive response after the media release or Johnny would, for his own good, be cut off completely.  These were word Johnny did not expect to hear and he was numbing further as he realized what his fate might now turn to. Without his father’s money Johnny had nothing. If his father cut him off he would be literally penniless.

He began to cry pleading with his father to not do this terrible ghastly thing to him. But Johnny’s father remained firm detailing the timing of events that would cut his money off for good to make sure his son understood when the fateful day would come. Johnny’s father was still trying to hold hope that Johnny would be able to make something happen and he could renege on his decision to cut Johnny off. But he knew this was for the best and if he never did this Johnny would never be a real man.  He was disgusted that Johnny was begging and crying over it and this further confirmed that he needed to take this step. He believed firmly that what he was doing was his duty as a father.

Johnny’s father gave him three weeks to get a job or prove that something positive was happening on his album effort. But even though Johnny tried everything to get a positive musical review all the critics that agreed to review it agreed that his album “My Universe” was a total failure and lacked musical merit of any kind. His singing was damned relentlessly. Of course Johnny didn’t try to get a job at all during the three weeks that passed.

When the end came Johnny had to be removed from the hotel by the police and he was thrown in the street in the back entrance of the hotel. He attempted to extend his stay but his father had notified the hotel that he would no longer pay for the charges and after a short time they tired of his excuses for lack of payment and kicked him out.

When Johnny stood in the alley looking down at his bags in front of him dirtied from hitting the dark wet ground he realized his situation finally was real. He had lost everything! He had no money, no credit cards, nothing but bags of clothes and shoes. He had lost his entire identity. 

For weeks he walked the streets of Berlin eventually selling his clothes and shoes to survive until he was down to one small bag. Occasionally when he saw someone he knew from his clubbing days they quickly walked away as soon as they recognized him. Most of them were happy to see him in this condition because his cockiness and superior attitude were abominable to everyone Johnny met; but his money kept their opinions in check until his money ran out.  Now that he had no money their truth could be shown.

Eventually Johnny was pushed by law enforcement to the areas where the degenerate lifestyles were allowed to exist. Drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals ruled this small set of city blocks on the farthest east side of Berlin. A small enclave that the locals left in ruins as the congregation point of the losers and hard knocks lifers.  There was no place of refuge in this place. Every moment was a fight to stay alive while the street criminals picked on the weak to release their anger towards life. Johnny wasn’t a large man he was small, thin and thus one of the targets of the beasts of the street regularly.

Johnny had not heard from his father for months now and he had no money or means to call him and he didn’t want to call him anyway. Though he was a man he felt abandoned by his father who still lived with great riches. His feelings of anger and frustration grew while his hunger grew and that trash bits didn’t help to relieve.

Eventually Johnny felt hunger like he had never felt before and he as sure he may die if he didn’t eat a meal. As he watched the male prostitutes earning money along the street he became hungry enough to pick up his own trick. Johnny didn’t have a problem having sex with men he swung both ways anyway.

His first trick was a man who had money that Johnny smelled as he entered his car. Johnny spent some time trying to convince him he was a young boy who needed his help asking the man to take him home with him and take care of him.  If all he had to do was give him sex for a good life this was something Johnny was easily willing to do. But when Johnny was done blowing the trick he kicked him out of his car and he went tumbling into the road while a few Deutsche marks fluttered on top of him.

Johnny slowly picked himself up and counted the money thrown at him; at least it was enough to get something to eat. For a moment Johnny was pleased with himself again. He walked over a few blocks to a sandwich shop and ate hungrily tapping his fingers against the crumbs as they fell to the table from the toasted bread.  

In time Johnny got used to this life and realized that prostituting himself was easy. He even used some of his money to buy little girl outfits that escalated his profits with the tricks that came to the area. He tried regularly to get one of the wealthier tricks to take him home and take care of him but they all refused and sometimes he was beaten by the tricks for asking.

Though Johnny got used to this life he was not resigned to live this life forever and he was determined to find a way to make it big still.  The music industry had spit on him and he was definitely going to get revenge and make it big in the industry.  But for now though he wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to do it he was sure in time he could come up with the right plan.