Are You Mad or Sad?

Are you mad?

Are you sad?

Do you blame it all on mom or dad?

Or because you can’t buy the latest fad?

How about cause you aren’t rad?

Or left by a cad holding the entire bag?

This is the point that you turn it around

Don’t act like a social puppet clown

Stand your ground

Go through life unbound

From fads or moms or dads

Or advertising ads

Or even a cad

Choose to be glad

Easy to say you say?

Not so easy when life feels like it’s making you pay

For some crazy bullshit where you had no say?

Can’t afford all the socials fad ways?

Bullshit absorbing your positive array?

Rough and tough every single day?

Easy it is that’s a fact

Point of view is where it’s at

Cup half empty or half full and all that

You can sit where you sat

Or change all of that

Being upset and mad feels like crap

Who wants to live like that?

Where ever you are at

Look at life as wonderful not crap

And your positive attitude will pay you back

Make you happy

Not sad

Cause sad



