LIVE BY IT!!!!!!

Do you wish you didn’t have to worry about money

Wish every day was filled with plenty

Never changing

Every day sunny

Live in a world of endless milk and honey?

Strike it rich and you may be a happy soul

Truth be told

But later genes won’t be so bold

Old money can suck their souls

Didn’t believe it until I saw

The fate of two whose history was

Birth to death no worries on money

But it wasn’t the land of milk and honey

Those two birds were wacked as hell

Lived in a big house that had a constant smell

Of animal feces strewn all around

No one would work for these ridiculous clowns.

Lack of work turned those souls sick

There’s no other explanation for it

If they had needed to work for money

Their life would have been more sunny.

Instead their life was a documentary

For the rest of us to see

That sick and twisted reality

Of too much money causing insanity.

If they had to work to survive

Like the rest of us normal guys

They may have worried about money

But their life would have been more sunny.

If you do nothing to contribute

Your life may become destitute

Like these two wacked birds

Due to lack of contribution to the herd.

Nature knows who does and who doesn’t

Takes out those who don’t

Nature sends a lesson

To every lazy noncontributing bloke.

So next time you wish you had endless money

Never to work again every day sunny

It’s true it will end your momentary strife

But lack of work will end your life.

So keep up the good work all those who do

It makes life better every day through

Know that money can be a brute

But work tomorrow and money improves

Makes you happy not blue

Regardless of the work you do

Makes you live longer too

That’s the truth!

Live by it!