Freedom rings where blogs can sing with liberty tings! Purple Crayon Brain's rinky dinky cartoon art, off beat poetry..
Poor poor Joe
He just didn’t know
When his life would go
To shit
With just one kick
Because of some other prick
Who didn’t have any shame
Over where to put his dick
Witch hunt has begun
Everyone close to that prick
Gets undone
Ends their fun in the sun
Joe’s one
Until final judgment comes
Who will decide poor Joe’s fate?
The media and what they create?
Suits and ties who analyze?
Tell us all the big surprise?
Joes’ not that type of guy!
Or we’ve all been duped again
There’s another devil
That was hiding committing sin?
Guess we all gotta wait
See where this devilish story lands
Hope Joe’s not that kind of man….