Freedom rings where blogs can sing with liberty tings! Purple Crayon Brain's rinky dinky cartoon art, off beat poetry..
There’s a controlling bitch in town
She wants to be queen of the neighborhood
Wear the controlling queen crown
Make everyone else in town frown
Bow when she walks by in her queenly gown
Do as she says and not as she does
This bitch thinks she is one step above
Rest of us here to kiss her controlling glove
But what she doesn’t know
Is that I won’t be her ho
I fight neighborhood thugs
I don’t give in and give up
I wont kiss her ridiculous glove
I’m a patriot and freedom rings loud
Can’t be brought down by stupid cows
So step off the property would you please
I am not the type to get on my knees
The sight of you is making me sneeze
I am immune from your disease
By the time I’m through you will see
There’s no getting away with this with me.