I really didn’t think you were wicked
Had you pegged completely different
Thought you were cool and real
Didn’t know you were hiding eels
Where were they before in your high heels?
How did you hold this side in?
Didn’t the pressure make you spin?
What does it feel like to hold in all that sin?
At least your victimizing shit was quick
Avoid litigation is the only prick
Cost of doing business and all that shit
Makes us question all of it
Hard to not talk shit back to a bitch
When you got the management stick
But litigation is a real snitch
Makes everyones dick itch
So hey you are who you are
Clearly jumped off the deep end very far
At least it’s not far to your car
No, we won’t be going to anymore bars
And no, we won’t ever again
Go out for chow
You sorry cow
Everyone in the office felt your ugly turn
Made all our stomachs churn
Your sin really burned
All our heads got turned
But now we can get back to business here
The rest of us hold lack of drama time dear
Just trying to work and turn the money gear
Well, sorry I really gotta go now time for a beer
It can really be crazy working here