Thank God for chocolate

And fast cars too

Thank God for gambling

And making great booze.

Thank God for Sea Doos

And all of the natural wonders

That keep me entertained

And thinking less of plunder.

Thank God for boats

That sail me far away

Watching turtles swim by

Being lazy all day.

Thank God for planes

That fly me away

Into new blue skies

To a new place in a day.

Thank God for pools

Swim and get tan

Thank God for beaches

And all that great wild sand.

Thank God for summer

Don’t have to drive the Hummer

Run around all day in the sun

Life is less of a bummer.

Thank God for comedians

Make me laugh out loud

Turn blue into happy

Turn sad into proud.

Thank God for the red white and blue

Even if it’s a little screwed up

Better than living somewhere else

Where they tell me how to dress up.

Thank God for good people

That aren’t evil and bad

If there were more bad than good

The good would be so sad.

Thank God for life

Adventure of the ride

Even when things are tough

Being alive fills me with pride

I have survived!