For a moment when Johnny opened his eyes he felt confusion and couldn’t remember where he was. A beam of sunlight hitting his eyes that was cutting through the black out curtains on the windows made it difficult for him to focus. He lifted his head to escape the blinding light and saw people asleep around him all over the living room.  He tried to remember what happened but it was hazy after he ate the food. He considered that this bunch of surf town dudes might have laced the feast they had prepared for this shindig. He checked his clothes and there were no signs of a struggle or that anything had been removed.  He could smell the food again and looked over to the table and saw that enough was left to give him a good start but he didn’t want to take a chance that he would be out of it again. Whatever he couldn’t remember didn’t matter and his mind once again became driven on thoughts of getting to Tatiana’s house. He crept over the passed out partygoers and headed out again towards Tatiana’s house.

The morning air was brisk and the city so quiet he could hear his footsteps echo as he walked. He liked this time of day when no one was about and all asleep in their beds. Movement was easier and unfettered by the interruption of people moving to and fro on all sides.  By the time he reached Tatiana’s house it was mid afternoon and he could feel the weight of his legs as his light headed hunger tormented him to singularly focus on rest and nutrition. He went up to the door without trepidation this time knowing he had pulled off a great scam that all were benefiting from including Tatiana and she would surely be his welcoming protector again.

When he put his hand to the back screen door it jarred his hand off when the door didn’t open from the pulling thrust of his exuberance.  He tried again and it was clear that the screen door was now locked. He became puzzled and his adrenaline shook off his focus of hunger and rest and put his brain on overdrive. He scurried to the window to look inside and saw that there was nothing left in the kitchen and items were strewn in a way to confirm a quick clean out. He went to peer into the other windows and found the same thing and knew that Tatiana had left along with Rooskie. But where? He had no idea and his heart sank as he drove his fingers into his head trying to end the pain of what he felt from this abandonment until he remembered Rooskie’s room. He could go into it now that they were gone and see what else he could find.  Surely he would find Tatiana again and if he had enough he could eliminate Rooskie permanently. He broke the window and climbed in the window.

The house was dusky, dark and smelled stale and not a sound was heard but his own steps as he walked through the hallway towards Rooskie’s room. The liberation he felt in finally being able to walk into his room without about worrying whether he would be caught and punished exhilarated Johnny even more. When he thrust the door open only scraps of unused packing paper lifted slightly off the floor.  Rooskie had taken everything in that room with him and there was nothing to gain here. Johnny felt defeated and confused.  His head sagged and just then something shiny pierced through his teary eye. He wiped away his tears and picked up the object hoping he had found something of value. Twirling it around in his hand he realized it was a small hair accessory that was cheap and the kind you would find at a discount store.  Johnny threw it back down to the ground with a disgusted throw, it had no value to him and now he had another problem; he was alone again and broke.

Johnny decided he would spend some time resting here with the slight hope that Tatiana would return and began looking for any scraps of food that may have been left behind. The kitchen looked like the other rooms in the house; completely cleaned out but Johnny found some stale bread pieces that had apparently fallen out into one of the drawers and quickly ate them.  He found no other food.  Johnny’s sadness in Tatiana leaving him overwhelmed him as he curled into a ball on the kitchen floor wanting to disappear.