I live with Vampires by the sea
They are here feeding off me
Take my blood is their only way to survive
There really isn’t any place to hide

I didn’t notice them when the first few came
Before I knew it there were too many to name
Leave marks all over me from where they feed
At the same time they kept dropping seeds
These vampires really know how to breed

Try as I may to get rid of them
Wasn’t getting me anywhere
They’re still here

Noticed others have the mark
Of vampires living at home
These vampires really

To the internet I turned
Information churned and learned
Some is good and some is not
But I really need to end this lot

Learned more about their wicked ways
Maybe then I could end their stay
Killed a few at first
But that didn’t end their thirst
Soon those seeds they dropped
Started to burst

They’re constantly hatching
They come out thrashing
Blood is the only focus
Of those vampire locusts

New vampires are smaller
But just as deadly
They suck blood just as readily
Constantly and steadily

Some money spent has been good
I have succeeded in reducing the brood
But these vampires are hard to kill off
I need something that doesn’t turn off

I believe I have found the perfect solution
Think the internet had just the right potion
This potion is causing an internet commotion
Seems everyone’s got the same notion

It’s taken weeks and I’m still waiting
These vampires are really irritating
This potion is sold out everywhere
The potion maker was unprepared

Then there’s been shipping delays
Hasn’t been solved by express fees paid
I’m still waiting
These vampires keep eating

If you have vampires living at home
Know that you are not alone
Keep up the fight against vampire drones
Cover up best you can with hose
Stay vigilant when you feel their nose
Grab them hard and roll their bones
Clean all the corners where their seeds are sowed
When that potion comes I’ll let you know
If it kills all vampires with one swift blow