I met three souls today
Fucked me over on another day
And we are talking big time badness
Turned my life to hardship and sadness
Why did they do it you wanna know?
It was only because they are inadequate souls
Cant rise to the occasion of any role
Get rid of anyone who can spin more gold
The reality of their mediocre souls
Screwed me royal took my gold
Left me in the cold
Only cause I spun more gold
The question now is what to do
These three here opportunity anew?
Actually don’t need to ensue
Any extra wicked brew
This is a force beyond what I do
Service of these three is a pure truth its true
Stretching through this earthly stew
Kick back and watch it brew
Four birds one stone how fucking beautiful
And no act of vengeance to turn this screw
Automatic free ride all the way through
Witness to this wonderful truth
Where forces come to right the brutes
Let you take the ride and see through
The justice in this force of truth
Feeling gifted all the way through.